Our culture places teachers (GURU) at par with God. It was universally recognized that a GURU is someone who shows his disciples the path, and takes him on a journey from the darkness to the light ( Tamso ma jyotirgamay). To me this definition does stand good, even today, but the context in which the teachers work today has changed so much that we are compelled to rethink the role of a teacher. This change has come due to change in the child. The child has become more smarter, more informed, more of a thinking individual, emotionally more fragile and more aware of his constitutional rights. In the changed atmosphere only a person with great empathy and love with a high quality of command over the subject can take up the challenge of being a teacher today.
Artificial Intelligence, that involves creation of intelligent systems that behave like human beings, has been major development of the recent past. Very soon we will see the AI systems customize the learning experience for students based on their strengths and weaknesses. AI Tutors may come in handy in easing the burden on teachers. A day may come when pen-paper would be matter of the past. The tools of learning and evaluation may be replaced by tablets, mobiles and some likely to be invented gadgets in near future. Robots may be seen moving in the campus to keep a vigil on campus activities.
In the above background, the teachers have to change their method of teaching and the , method of tackling their pupils. The proverb “Spare the rod spoil the child” is now removed from the book. They may say good bye to chalk and duster in near future. Obviously the teachers have to mould themselves to fit in the system by developing skills to teach through smart panels using their own tools such as PDFs, acquaint themselves with latest teaching gadgets. I am pleased to see that our teachers are invariably attending the teachers’ training programs which are arranged by CBSE or its authorized agency. The management is reimbursing the fee paid by the teachers for the training.
I request the parents not to judge their wards on the basis of their study in schools and colleges but should try to be in touch with rapid developments going on. The choice of future of students is not now limited to Doctor and Engineer but more than hundred jobs are offering almost the same renumeration or even more. And students at colleges are aware abut it. My since appeal to the parents is that “Please give freedom to your matured child in choosing the choice of his/her career.”
With my best greetings to our teachers, our honorable parents and good wishes to our blooming children.
Jai Ram Sharma,
Founder of the school cum Secretary of the Trust.

Secretary, Akshay Deep Sansthan
(Registered Public Trust)
Chairman of May Flower Group of Schools
Founder of a High School in native village in Jehanabad District,( Now Govt. SCHOOL)
Experience of over 30 years of running the school with hostels.