MAY FLOWER SCHOOL, ShyamVihar, Khadiha,PO-Nisarpura,Patna- 804453 was started in the year 2015 at a place situated 6 km south of Balmichak More {500 m west of Anishabad roundabout, Patna By-pass Road) in a semi – urban area. The school is run and managed by the Akshay Deep Sansthan, a registered Public Trust. The same Trust has been managing and running May Flower School, Digha, Patna 800011 which is a Senior Secondary School affiliated up to +2 level. Shri Jai Ram Sharma continues to be the Secretary of the Trust running the schools at Digha and ShayamVihar as well.
May Flower School,ShyamVihar is a co-educational,English Medium,residential cum day school.The hostel facility for desirous parents is provided from classes III to VIII.Every care is taken to make the boarders feel that they are in homes away from homes.The Director himself dines with the boarders – a unique feature rarely observed elsewhere.
May Flower School is registered under RTE Act 2009 and is affiliated to CBSE, Delhi bearing affiliation Number 330876 up to Secondary level.
May Flower School,ShyamVihar truly epitomize the fact that the success is a Journey and not a destination. The mission of the school is embedded in its logo as “TamsomaJyotirgamay” i.e from darkness to light. Our specificity is reflected in our students:all academically and intellectually gifted learners.Boldness is reflected in our commitment to make the school experience the best educational option in the southern region of Patna for learners and their families. Similarly,our ambition is to be recognized as a laboratory of best practices in education. The singularity of our mission is embodied in the programs that are quantitatively and qualitatively distinctive in their depth,breadth, methodology and excellence. We want the school to reach at the top of the list of educational options for the brightest young people in and around.
“Do not go where the path may lead,go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”
Today’s new age learners have special intellectual,social and emotional needs. They need an open,enriched educational environment designed to develop Superior Thinking Skills. Students should have stimulating interaction with their intellectual peers and be encouraged to develop the skills and character trails of creative,productive,contributing members of the society.May Flower School provides a congenial,positive,enthusiastic climate that supports and nurtures school life.We take great pride in gifting year after year to the society students well aware of their responsibility and task commitment, self-discipline,independent learning and respectful conduct.
May Flower School believe that every child is a unique one and has its own latent talent and potential to outshine.As such every child is allowed to grow as an individual and thereby explore his/her full potentiality.While nurturing the talent,we also ensure that every child is a winner academically and to achieve it special care is taken during overall Evaluation.